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Former FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler Delivered the 2018 Annenberg Lecture

Wheeler discussed the connection between the wealthy industrial barons of the early 1900s and today's tech moguls.


APPC Postdoc Ozan Kuru Receives Research Award From WhatsApp

Kuru will study news sharing and misinformation in the United States, Turkey, and Singapore.

Undergraduate News

Undergrads Make Meaning Out of Memes

COMM 384 gives students the opportunity to explore the relationship between internet memes and society at large.

What Do Bots, Climate Change, and Academic Grants Have in Common?

Doctoral student Douglas Guilbeault points to the importance of categories.


Can Social Media Networks Reduce Political Polarization on Climate Change?

The researchers tested how different kinds of social media environments would affect political polarization and group accuracy.

Faculty News

Culture and Technology Scholar Julia Ticona Studies the Promise and Perils of the Gig Economy

Ticona begins today as an assistant professor of communication at the Annenberg School.

Faculty News

Professors González-Bailón and Mutz to Participate in Research Partnership with Facebook

González-Bailón and Mutz will advise how data might be divided into subsets for further study.

Faculty News

Desmond Patton Receives Award from the Society for Social Work and Research

The Early Career Achievement Award recognizes the beginning of Dr. Patton's research career in the field of social work.

Faculty News

New Study: Responses to Grief Predict Aggressive Tweets Among Gang-Involved Chicago Youth

An analysis of thousands of tweets identified two main themes in Twitter usage among gang-involved youth in Chicago.


Research Finds Tipping Point for Large-Scale Social Change

This tipping point — roughly 25% of people — applies to any kind of movement or initiative.