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Confidence in Science Remains High, But Public Questions Adherence to Science’s Norms

Members of the Strategic Council of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine, including Professor Kathleen Hall Jamieson, explore U.S. public confidence in science.


State Laws Shape the Social Norms Around Vaccines — and Get People Vaccinated

In an effort to understand what encourages people to get vaccinated, researchers from the Social Action Lab and the Annenberg Public Policy Center examined how state laws and policies affect vaccination rates.


Research in Brief: Anti-Smoking Messages for LGBTQ+ Young Women

In an effort to understand how to reduce smoking among LGBQT+ young women, Professor Andy Tan and colleagues tested tailored anti-smoking campaigns.


Over a Third of Americans Worry About Getting the Flu, RSV, or COVID-19

Over a third of American adults worry that they or someone in their family will get the seasonal flu, COVID-19...

Vaccine Confidence Falls as Belief in Health Misinformation Grows

Americans have less confidence in vaccines to address a variety of illnesses than they did just a year or two...


Annenberg and Penn Nursing Partner With Camden County To Launch Virtual Reality Narcan Training

In conjunction with the School of Nursing, the Annenberg Virtual Reality ColLABorative continues efforts to train as many people as possible on administering the lifesaving overdose reversal medication.


LGBTQ Teens Nearly Twice As Likely To Vape Marijuana As Their Peers

High schoolers who identify as LGBTQ are at greater risk of vaping cannabis than their heterosexual peers, according to research from Professor Andy Tan and colleagues.


Annenberg Virtual Reality ColLABorative and Penn Nursing Awarded Hillman Grant To Study Virtual Reality and Loneliness

Hemodialysis is a life-saving treatment for people experiencing end stage kidney disease. Treatments are typically three times a week and...


Experiencing Record-Breaking Heat Days Affects Perception of Weather Trends

A new study by Professor Dolores Albarracín and Postdoctoral Fellow Timothy Hyde finds that living in an area with record-breaking heat effectively increases perceptions that the weather is getting hotter.

Doctoral Students Collaborate With Philadelphia High School Students on Health Communication Research

Thandi Lyew and Brittany Zulkiewicz worked with local teens through a Penn Graduate Community-Engaged Research Fellowship.