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Annenberg Students Win 2017 Ackoff Fellowships

Joshua Becker and Elissa Kranzler will conduct research in decision making under risk and uncertainty.


Annenberg Alumni News, Spring 2017

The latest news from Annenberg School graduate alumni.

Undergraduate News

Comm Majors Write Communications Plans for Cities Across America

Each student addressed a particular problem in a particular city and submitted their plan to the city’s leadership.

Graduate Student News

Doctoral Student Jazmyne Sutton Explores the Use of Visuals in Health Communication

How do you know when an image will help or hinder the impact of the message?

Faculty News

Mutz Awarded 2017 Andrew Carnegie Fellowship

Mutz will study the growing backlash against globalization in Europe and North America.

Undergraduate News

Eleven Undergraduates Present Senior Honors Theses

Their subjects span the field of Communication, from Cuba’s new media landscape to the musical Hamilton.

Graduate Student News

Volinsky Wins 2017 Graduate Teaching Prize

Nominated by undergraduates, Volinsky was described as helpful, knowledgeable, available, supportive, compassionate, and kind.

Faculty News

Austin Lecture 2017: Social Workers Need to Understand Impact of Cyber-interaction on Adolescents

The future of social work embraces technology and uses it as a tool to better engage with and understand young clients.


David Dutwin (Ph.D. ‘02) Elected AAPOR Vice President/President Elect

Dutwin is Executive Vice President and Chief Methodologist of SSRS, a survey and market research firm.


Counteracting the Influence of Adolescent Peer Smoking on YouTube

A new study suggests showing a corrective message that describes the severity and scope of smoking risks.