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Mobile Phones Help Americans Encounter More Diverse News

Thanks largely to mobile phones, Americans are reading news from a wider range of sources, though many do not read any online news at all.

Faculty News

González-Bailón Named 2020-21 Penn Fellow

The program provides leadership development to outstanding, midcareer Penn faculty members.

Faculty News

Co-Edited by Professor González-Bailón, New Book Features Work By Annenberg Faculty and Alumni

Scholars across the social and technological sciences provide guidance on conducting research in the digital era.


Donald Trump’s Election Did Not Increase Political Polarization

America is no doubt polarized, but new research finds it is no more so now than prior to 2016.


Brevity is the Soul of Twitter: 280-Character Limit Makes Twitter More Civil

Professor Yphtach Lelkes analyzed tweets from before and after Twitter implemented the increased character limit.

Faculty News

González-Bailón Named 2019-20 Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences Fellow

She will work on a book manuscript about how algorithms translate social expectations into code.

Faculty News

Professors González-Bailón and Mutz to Participate in Research Partnership with Facebook

González-Bailón and Mutz will advise how data might be divided into subsets for further study.


Probabilistic Forecasting Can Mislead Voters About Certainty of Election Outcomes

In 2016, probabilistic forecasts left voters thinking the election was far less competitive than it actually was.

Faculty News

New Book by Sandra González-Bailón: Decoding the Social World

The book examines how our digital footprints can help solve paradoxes that have long intrigued social thinkers.


When Social Movements Reach Their Tipping Point, and Why Scientific Collaboration is Important

Collective effervescence shows how the actions of a few activists online can bubble up, spread, and shape history.