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New Study Develops Intervention to Increase Healthy Behavior among South African Adolescents

The intervention improved healthy eating and amount of exercise, with effects lasting at least 4.5 years.


CARGC Focus on Connecting Global Scholars Drives Its Future Goals

Scholars who bring an insider eye to global communication are an important focus for the center.


Center for Advanced Research in Global Communication Releases CARGC Paper 10

The paper explores the conflation of hacktivism with cyber-terrorism that enables states to criminalize non-violent hackers.


Black and Hispanic Teens See Risky Behaviors on Social Media, but Few Actually Post about Them.

A new study from alum Robin Stevens and researcher Amy Bleakley surveyed youth about their social media experiences.


Paradoxical Thinking: Changing Individuals’ Beliefs by Agreeing with Them to an Extreme Degree

Paradoxical thinking is intended to shock the participants with its absurdity and cause them to reevaluate their beliefs.


Pictorial Warning Messages on Cigarette Packs Are Most Effective When Diseased Body Parts and Testimonials Are Included, New Study Finds

Researchers analyzed over 300 pictorial warning labels to determine which features are most effective at getting smokers to quit.


Dean Delli Carpini and Lenfest Institute Issue New Report on Information Needs and Habits of Philadelphians

The report identified seven opportunities and areas of growth for publishers and information providers.


Thinking Beyond Yourself Can Make You More Open to Healthy Lifestyle Choices

A new study investigated how people respond to health messaging.


Can Social Media Networks Reduce Political Polarization on Climate Change?

The researchers tested how different kinds of social media environments would affect political polarization and group accuracy.