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Undergraduate News

Communication Majors Complete 2020 Senior Honors Theses

From the Hong Kong protests to presidential impeachment, their subjects span the field of Communication.

Undergraduate News

A Class Trip in the Time of Coronavirus? That Can Go Virtual Too.

Lecturer Al Hunt recreated his annual class field trip to Washington, D.C. using video conferencing software.

Undergraduate News

Comm Major Fahad Ahmed Named Penn SAS Dean’s Scholar

He has co-authored publications, founded start-ups, and mentored high school students.

Undergraduate News

Undergrads Explore How Rituals Shape Our World

Students defamiliarize the familiar, as they investigate giving birth, rodeos, weddings, and more from an entirely new perspective.

Undergraduate News

Annenberg in Washington Program Supports Internships for Communication Majors

Students interned at PBS, US Agency for Global Media, Pew Research Center, and more.

Undergraduate News

2019 Undergraduate Communication Major Award Winners

Nine graduating seniors were recognized for their outstanding accomplishments.

Undergraduate News

Communication Major Wins Inaugural Award From

Corey Berman (C’20) was recognized for his exemplary work during his undergraduate fellowship.

Undergraduate News

Undergraduates Hold Simulated Press Conference on Palestinian-Israeli Conflict

Lecturer Etyan Gilboa facilitated the event to give students an inside look at the work of diplomats and journalists.

Undergraduate News

Communication Majors Present 2019 Senior Honors Theses

Their subjects span the field of Communication, from secondhand smoking to diva worship to presidential rhetoric.

Undergraduate News

Dinner at Dr. Litty’s: Comm Majors Get to Know Faculty and Each Other

Felicity "Dr. Litty" Paxton hopes the dinner series will foster meaningful relationships.