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Narratives of COVID-19 in China and the World

The two-day symposium covered a broad range of topics, from racism against Chinese students studying in the United States to digital workplace surveillance of Chinese workers.


Letter of Support for AAPI Communities from the Annenberg Faculty

The faculty of the Annenberg School stands with the Asian, Asian-American, and Pacific Islander communities in the face of senseless attacks.


Kevin Johnson Appointed Penn Integrates Knowledge University Professor

Johnson will hold a secondary appointment at the Annenberg School.


Guobin Yang Named Interim Director of the Center for Advanced Research in Global Communication

Yang will be filling in at CARGC after Marwan Kraidy's departure in June.


A Conversation with Stacey Abrams

The Georgia politician sat down with Ben Jealous to discuss topics from gerrymandering to romance novels in a virtual discussion.


Annenberg Researchers Use Data Science Skills for Social Justice

Jake Parelman and Matt O'Donnell are working with Amistad Law Project to track COVID-19 cases in Pennsylvania prisons.


A New Librarian Ushers in the Future of the Annenberg Library

As longtime Librarian Sharon Black retires, Katie Rawson (pictured) begins her tenure and continues the library's journey into the future.


Librarian and Poet Sharon Black Looks Back on Her Career at Penn

After 40 years at Annenberg, Black is retiring later this month.


Annenberg School Announces New Event Series: Annenberg Conversations

Each year, Annenberg Conversations will focus on a different topic of interest, beginning with race in America.


The Annenberg School Welcomes 13 New Visiting Scholars and Postdoctoral Fellows

Learn a little bit about the research interests of our new postdoctoral fellows and visiting scholars.