Alumni Bookshelf: Summer-Fall 2021
See what our alumni have been publishing!

On the first floor of the Annenberg building, just outside the graduate student offices, you’ll find some shelves containing recent volumes by our alumni. We’re proud to show off these significant achievements in their careers, though we realize not everyone can stop by the building.
With “Alumni Bookshelf,” we’re bringing the bookcase to you, sharing a handful of the most recent additions.
The books most recently added span the topics of video activism in global movements, visual media and the criminal justice system, and high-speed internet connectivity in rural America.

In Seeing Human Rights (The MIT Press), Sandra Ristovska (Ph.D., ’16) delves into how humanitarian and human rights organizations are seeking to professionalize video activism through video production, verification standards, and training. Ristovska, an assistant professor of media studies at the University of Colorado Boulder, examines the use of video in movements worldwide to expose injustice, and the relationships among journalists, human rights groups, activists, and citizens in global crisis reporting.

Mary Angela Bock (Ph.D. ’09) explores how visual communication has shifted to a democratic sphere that has significantly altered how we understand and use images as evidence in Seeing Justice: Witnessing, Crime, and Punishment in Visual Media (Oxford University Press). Bock, an associate professor at the University of Texas at Austin’s School of Journalism and Media, draws upon interviews, participant observation, contemporary court cases, and critical discourse analysis to reveal how digitization is affecting relationships between media, consumers, and the criminal justice system.

The widespread lack of high-speed internet connectivity in rural American communities has created a stark urban-rural digital divide. In Farm Fresh Broadband (The MIT Press), Christopher Ali (Ph.D. ’13) offers an analysis of the promise and failure of national rural broadband policy in the U.S. and proposes a new national broadband plan. Ali is an associate professor of media studies at the University of Virgina.
Congratulations, Sandra, Mary, and Chris!
Are you an Annenberg School alum with a new book or other news to share? Get in touch!