2017 Undergraduate Communication Major Award Winners
Nine graduating seniors were recognized for their outstanding accomplishments.

Dean Michael X. Delli Carpini and 2017 graduate Jennifer Wright
On Sunday, May 14, the Annenberg School for Communication held its annual undergraduate graduation ceremony, honoring the Communication majors graduating from the University of Pennsylvania. This year's graduation speaker was alumnus Seth Grossman (C'01). In addition to recognizing each graduate, Associate Dean Amy Jordan and Dean Michael X. Delli Carpini presented the following awards.
Hon. Walter H. Annenberg Award: Rebecca C. Brown
Honorable Mention: Sophie Yacova Beren
Named in honor of the School’s founder, the award is granted to the student who has most strengthened and improved the University of Pennsylvania’s student community through Communication service activities.
C. Nicole Dickerson Award: Barry T. Johnson
Honorable Mention: Maxwell K. Levy
Named in memory of undergraduate adviser C. Nicole Dickerson, the Annenberg School’s award for public service is given to a graduating Communication major who has made a significant contribution to our neighbors in the West Philadelphia community.
Phyllis C. Kaniss Award: Lauren T. Feiner
Honorable Mention: Nicholas Buchta
This award is presented to a graduating Communication major who has demonstrated a commitment to civic participation through meaningful action around issues of public concern. This may include individual actions or actions undertaken through cultural, charitable, civic, or government organizations on or off campus. The award is in memory of Phyllis C. Kaniss, former Assistant Dean and Adjunct Faculty Member of the Annenberg School.
Charles Morris Price Prize: Jennifer Wright
Honorable Mention: Liza J. Lansing
The Charles Morris Price Prize acknowledges an outstanding graduating senior in the Communication major who, in the view of the departmental faculty, has most distinguished him or herself through a combination of academic excellence, research accomplishments, and/or contributions to the department’s academic objectives.
Kathleen Hall Jamieson Award: Riya Chandiramani, Bookyung Jo, Blake G. Pittell
The Kathleen Hall Jamieson Award honors the graduating senior with the highest cumulative grade point average in the major.
Eisenhower Award for Communication and Public Service: Nicholas Buchta
This award recognizes a graduating senior who has completed an outstanding thesis in the Communication and Public Service program on a topic related to public policy or public service issues.
George Gerbner Award: Jennifer Wright
This award goes to the graduating senior whose honors thesis best demonstrates an original and comprehensive application of both research skills, as well as a thorough understanding of communication scholarship. It is named for former Annenberg Dean (1964-1989) George Gerbner.
Delli Carpini concluded the ceremony by making two announcements, honoring Professors Paul Messaris and Carolyn Marvin for their longstanding commitment to the Annenberg School. Annenberg's Media Lab will now be named the Paul Messaris Media Lab, and the Carolyn Marvin Award, honoring a student who works to improve free speech in society, will be added to the undergraduate awards beginning next year.